The Pesky Ampersand in Blogger Coding Is Not Accepted by Code Editor

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Whenever you try to The character “&” is an ISO HTML reserved character used to denote the start of a parameter. The Blogger editor translate the “&” you enter to the HTML entity, & , that will display “&” when the page or URL is rendered in a browser.

However, in the html code editor in Blogger, the editor does not convert to “&” … and when the HTML editor detects “&” the code is not accepted. There for when a code snippet that you are using includes “&” … you must enter “&” manually (instead of merely “&”).

See also …,is%20rendered%20in%20a%20browser. is an Amazon Associate website, which means that a small percentage of your purchases gets paid to at no extra cost to you. When you use the search boxes above, any Amazon banner ad, or any product associated with an Amazon banner on this website, you help pay expenses related to maintaining and creating new services and ideas for a resourceful website. See more info at

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