The Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg houses the largest model railways in the world. Located in the historic warehouse district it has been one of Hamburg’s greatest tourist magnets for many years, which has already captivated millions of visitors (WELT Documentary 48:43 duration).
Miniatur Wunderland (German for ‘miniature wonderland’) is a model railway and miniature airport attraction in Hamburg, Germany, the largest of its kind in the world. The railway is located in the historic Speicherstadt district of the city.
The Knuffingen Airport, completed in May 2011 is about 1,600 square feet with more than 40 aircraft overall, and takeoffs and landings occurring every minute. Night falls every 15 minutes.
In 2020 visitors can still see flights of Boeing 747s and Airbus A-380s. Nothing can stop the imagination.
The Miniatur Wunderland exhibit includes 1,300 trains made up of over 10,000 carriages, over 100,000 moving vehicles, about 500,000 lights, 130,000 trees, and 400,000 human figurines.
Knuffingen Airport opened May 4, 2011.
Knuffingen Airport: The world’s smallest airport
The biggest HO scale airport in the world, at Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg Germany, January 2014.
About the Producers of the Documentary
The WELT Group is part of the german Mediahouse Axel Springer SE and reporters, storytellers and well-known filmmakers provide a view of German engineering skills, craftsmanship, security forces and lifestyle.
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